This project required the existing front garden to be completely stripped out, removing a traditional linear block-paved drive and side lawn. A high-performance solution to give structural stability to the new design was needed to ensure both the integrity and minimal maintenance of the gravel-laid renovation. DuPont™ Plantex® GroundGrid® proved to be the answer .
The previous narrow approach and parking space had become a problem for the client, making for very tight turns or tricky reversing, especially when other cars were visiting. The family also felt there was no longer any need for a high maintenance lawn to the front of the house, as they enjoy a large garden to the rear. They wanted ample driveway space, together with the smart look of gravel, while keeping a planted barrier of mature shrubs at the front for both privacy and greenery.
The client was keen for a solution that was smart and attractive while offering easy upkeep, which also gave extra parking, with a bay wide enough for easy turning and unloading. A circular paved pathway was also incorporated into the design for pedestrians. Gravel was the desirable covering for the inner circle on many levels, not only for the satisfying crunch underfoot/wheel (which also adds to security), but also for it’s a light reflecting properties.
Nevertheless, a firm foundation was needed that would prevent excessive movement and therefore gravel loss, especially as a great deal of manoeuvring would be taking place over the surface. In order to create stability and help keep the gravel layer in place, an advanced system with a robust structure and sufficient depth was required, so that the base would not become easily exposed. GroundGrid® is a strong, three-dimensional and permeable geotextile with an innovative honeycombed cellular structure, which can be used with a range of infill materials from soil to stone to sand. Ideal for delivering a firm and stabilised gravel surface, it withstands heavy use from vehicles and pedestrians in a much more durable and effective way than loose laying. It also enhances drainage, as the advanced non-woven structure permits rain water to pass through both horizontally & vertically, thereby preventing the pooling of water or localised flooding that can otherwise occur during heavy rain fall.